The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) provides an extremely sensitive means of
amplifying small quantities of DNA. The development of this technique resulted
in an explosion of new techniques in molecular biology (and a Nobel Prize for
Kary Mullins in 1993) as more and more applications of the method were
published. The technique was made possible by the discovery of Taq polymerase,
the DNA polymerase that is used by the bacterium
Thermus auquaticus
that was discovered in hot springs. This DNA polymerase is stable at the high
temperatures need to perform the amplification, whereas other DNA polymerases
become denatured.
Since this technique involves amplification of DNA, the most obvious
application of the method is in the detection of minuscule amounts of specific
DNAs. This important in the detection of low level bacterial infections or rapid
changes in transcription at the single cell level, as well as the detection of a
specific individual's DNA in forensic science (like in the O.J. trial). It can
also be used in DNA sequencing, screening for genetic disorders, site specific
mutation of DNA, or cloning or subcloning of cDNAs.
The Reaction
PCR, like DNA sequencing, is based on the DNA polymerization reaction. A
primer and dNTPs are added along with a DNA template and the DNA polymerase (in
this case, Taq). The main difference with PCR is that, in addition to using a
primer that sits on the 5' end of the gene and makes a new strand in that
direction, a primer is made to the opposite strand to go in the other direction.
The original template is melted (at 94
oC), the primers anneal (@ 45-55
oC) and the polymerase
makes two new strands (@ 72
oC), doubling the amount of DNA present.
This provides 2 new templates for the next cycle. The DNA is again melted,
primers anneal, and the Taq makes 4 new strands:
here to download a short movie of the PCR
OR . . .
here to download a static figure of the PCR
reaction (if the movie doesn't work with your web browser).
Figure 1
- Every cycle results in a doubling of the number of strands DNA present.
- After the first few cycles, most of the product DNA strands made are the
same length as the distance between the primers.
The result is a dramatic amplification of a the DNA that exists between the
primers. These cycles are repeated 20 to 40 times, each cycle providing 2 new
templates for the next cycle. The amount of amplification is 2 raised to the n
power; n represents the number of cycles that are performed. After 20 cycles,
this would give approximately 1 million fold amplification. After 40 cycles the
amplification would be 1 X 10
12. The reaction is performed in a
thermocycler, which is programmable heating block that will cycle between
melting, annealing and polymerization temperatures.
While a very powerful technique, PCR can also be very tricky. The polymerase
reaction is very sensitive to the levels of divalent cations (especially
2+) and nucleotides, and the conditions for each particular
application must be worked out. Primer design is extremely important for
effective amplification. The primers for the reaction must be very specific for
the template to be amplified. Cross reactivity with non-target DNA sequences
results in non-specific amplification of DNA. Also, the primers must not be
capable of annealing to themselves or each other, as this will result in the
very efficient amplification of short nonsense DNAs. The reaction is limited in
the size of the DNAs to be amplified (i.e., the distance apart that the primers
can be placed). The most efficient amplification is in the 300 - 1000 bp range,
however amplification of products up to 4 Kb has been reported. Also, Taq
polymerase has been reported to make frequent mismatch mistakes when
incorperating new bases into a strand.
The most important consideration in PCR is contamination. If the sample that
is being tested has even the smallest contamination with DNA from the target,
the reaction could amplify this DNA and report a falsely positive
identification. For example, if a technician in a crime lab set up a test
reaction (with blood from the crime scene) after setting up a positive control
reaction (with blood from the suspect) cross contamination between the samples
could result in an erroneous incrimination, even if the technician changed
pipette tips between samples. A few blood cells could volitilize in the pipette,
stick to the plastic of the pipette, and then get ejected into the test sample.
The powerful amplification of PCR may be able to detect this cross contamination
of samples. Modern labs take account of this fact and devote tremendous effort
to avoiding this problem.
As stated above, the selection of primers is very important to the efficiency
of the reaction. Usually the primers are custom synthesized based on the
sequence of the DNA that is being amplified. In your reactions, two primers
would have to be made for each of the inserts and the primers that you use would
be based on which insert you have in your plasmid. However, since all of the
inserts are in the pBluescript plasmid, we can take advantage of the vector
sequences that are common to all of the plasmids. For this reason you will all
be using the same primers; one primer from the vector sequences at the 5' end of
your insert and one from vector sequences at the 3' end of your insert. When the
products are run on agarose gel they should each be the size of insert that you predicted from your restriction
This lab involves doing a serial dilution (see the lambda phage lab) of your isolated plasmid
(from lab # 4), setting up 2 PCR reactions with this diluted template, running
the PCR in the thermocycler, and then sizing the resultant fragments by agarose
gel electrophoresis. This whole procedure should take about 6 hrs., so it will
be done over two weeks. The first week, you will do the serial dilutions, set up
the reactions and put the reactions in the thermocycler. The next week you will
run the reactions out on an agarose gel.
Note: If your insert is greater than 2.0 Kb, tell me and I will give
you a different plasmid because this is too large for efficient amplification.
Setting up the Reactions
1. Take three tubes and mark them 10
-2, 10
-4 and
-6. Put 199 ul of H
2O in the 10
-2 tube and
990 ul the 10
-4 and 10
-6 tubes. Put 2 ul of your original
plasmid in the 10-2 tube and mix well. Put 10 ul of the solution from the
-2 tube in the 10
-4 tube and mix well. Put 10 ul of the
solution from the 10
-4 tube in the 10
-6 tube and mix well.
Each of these is a 100 fold dilution.
2. Label 2 PCR tubes (the 0.65 ml tubes provided) 10
-4 and
3. Set up the following reactions in each of the tubes (I will be adding the
buffer mix and Taq polymerase):
34.5 ul H2O
1.0 ul diluted DNA solution
14.0 ul Buffer mix (buffer, primers, MgCl2, and dNTPs)
0.5 ul Taq polymerase
50.0 ul Total
4. Place these three tubes in the thermocycler.
After you have run the agarose gel, note the extent to which you diluted
the DNA in the reactions. Assuming that your original plasmid stock was
approximately 1 ug / ul (which is probably a good estimate for most of you), the
-6 dilution had a concentration of 1 femtogram / ul. This means
that your 10
-6 PCR reaction only has about 1 picogram of DNA template. (Imagine - one
picogram!) For this reason, on the agarose gel you should only see the amplified
fragment and not the DNA from the original template.